I choose to be happy

I choose to be happy

Monday, April 1, 2013

7 Steps to Great Relationship

1. Respect People

-       Always talk to people with respect  - speak to them like you want to be spoken to
-       Think before you speak - once the words leave your mouth, they can't ever be taken back
-       Be kind in your words and actions = words may be forgiven, but never be forgotten

2. Be Loyal and Trustworthy

-       Be a person that can always be counted on to do the right thing
-       Never do anything to betray that trust
-       Always be honest, and always temper your honesty with kindness.  
-       If you don't have trust in a relationship, you don't have anything to build on.

"A friend is one who walks in when others walk out" ~~ Walter Winchell

3. Put Others First – Be a Friend

-        Put the needs of others first to show how much you care, and how important that relationship is to you.  
-       By showing a genuine interest in others, you show yourself a friend, and gain loyal, lifelong friends to yourself.

4. Don't Try and Be Someone You're not

-       Always strive to be your best self, but never try and be someone you're not.
-       Relationships built upon lies and distortions will never stand.  
-       Real friends are honest and upfront with each other.
-        If you want to have a real friend, then be a real friend - Part of being a real friend is being yourself.  
-       If you want to impress someone, impress them with your kindness and friendship.
5. Don't Take People For Granted

-       This act might cause more hurt, resentment, or weakening of friendships.  
-       No one wants to be taken for granted.
6. Be Forgiving

-       Be forgiving
-       Important to look at others with compassion and forgiveness.  
-       Not holding grudges.
7. Be Positive and Encouraging

-       Being around people who are positive and encouraging - It brings out the best in you and causes you to be positive and encourage to others.   
-       When someone you care about is down and hurting, you getting depressed with them will do nothing to help - show compassion, be empathetic, and let them know you're there for them.
-       Lift them up - help them to see some of the wonderful things about themselves and their life.

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